Monday, September 3, 2012


It's exciting being able to write about a finished project from the queue minutes after I posted about the queue. It probably won't get posted till a few hours later. (28 wpm! I need Mavis Beacon in my life.)

Further ado I present Stealie:
I made sure the tag was visible when I took this picture.
The idea

I had a friend ask me at the beginning of summer for a Grateful Dead hat. At the time I was backed up with baby items and had no idea what to do for such a hat; so I didn't really commit to anything. 

After spending 90% of my summer making baby things I decided enough was enough. I'm making grown up things. I tried getting started on other things on the queue but something would come up. I wasn't able to buy the yarn for Mangyle when I intended. And the socks, I had no feet to make them for yet.

Around the time I turned my back on all my friends' offspring, the friend who requested the hat had gotten sick and was starting another round of visiting the hospital and seeing new doctors. Ever since I began talking to him he's had the same problem, but it seemed to have gotten worse the further into summer we got. And the last round of doctor visits only resulted in, "There's nothing physically wrong with you that we can find. Here are some pills for they symptoms." So this hat happened in hopes to brighten things up a little bit. And to keep his head warm.

The process

I was at a loss what to do with this hat. Google search was employed to help me come up with an idea, and that's when I found the logo.  Only to realize this was the same logo I spotted several times in his room. (I stared at the banner for like fifteen minutes one day trying to figure out what the hell I was looking at.  I'm such an idiot.)

The next day I went out and bought graph paper to make this happen. Chart making couldn't be that hard, right? Wrong. It took me about 2 hours and few pieces of paper to come up with something I could work with. I was ready for bed afterwards, but no, I had to go to Wal-Mart, buy yarn and start that night.

It only took two days to make. And I learned what good yarn bobbins are for. Having to unbraid skeins every five minutes was quite the pain. If you look closely, the blue side of the circle slants a little to the left. I thought it had something to do with me wanting to work over loose yarn. Turns out I had lost 10 stitches between the beginning of the hat and the end of the logo.

The being done with it

I felt better when my roommate's boyfriend assured me the logo was coming along well. Also the progress reports I sent my friend got great reviews. And I also learned a lesson. In all the messages I sent, I referred to the logo as "he/him." Then I was told his name was "Stealie" as in "Steal you face."

Happy crafting!

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