Sunday, September 2, 2012

Project queue

This makes blog attempt number I've lost count.
Maybe I'll keep this up this time.

I certainly have the time to keep up a blog.
On to the post!

Project queue - The beginning

At the beginning of last school year I brainstormed a list of projects I absolutely wanted to get done. In middle school I was constantly told that writing down goals would help you achieve them better, so I thought, "Why not."

I posted the list on Facebook. It didn't really get any feedback. Right around March, I went back to it and checked it out only to find out I had completed pretty much everything on the list (the last one, still a work in progress at the time).

I felt quite accomplished. This was a big step for a non-committed crafter like myself. Sure there were side projects and items were put away for months at a time. But I finished everything I had set out to do three months before I intended to finish them. It was a gold star moment for me.

This year I will make...

I came up with my project queue for this year about a week ago and I've already got one thing crossed off! Here's my queue for 2012-13:

  1. Mangyle-An ambitious goal. I've never really dealt with intarsia before. And I still tie knot to join yarn when knitting. I decided that I would have to work up to Mangyle and do practice intarsia swatches to get the hang of it. I've also started exploring the option of translating the pattern to crochet, since I'm more comfortable with it. This will most likely be the last projects I attempt. This is for Alex who graciously agreed to receive an onslaught of hand crafted goods from me until the end of time.
  2. Socks- Still debating if I want to knit or crochet these. I even paid for a sock loom. I can't start these until I get a foot measurement. But I feel I'll start on these soon. These are also for Alex; only because the sock yarn I picked up screamed him.
  3. Something for my friends Sami and Shelly- I'm not sure what they'll get,  but these two ladies have earned it. Despite them being in different corners of the country, these ladies have always been a phone call away whenever I really needed them. I've got colors and pattern ideas picked out for Shelly. For Sami, I would like to make her something that has a very comforting feel.
  4. Runners- I've only made one thing for my sister, so I granted her a space on my queue this year. She too have been a wonderful support resource for me this summer. She requested I make runners for her table and dresser. I'm excited about these because they might give me the chance to break into lace making.
  5. Something commissioned. I need to start marketing myself. This is on the list to make sure I do it.
  6. Grateful Dead hat- Already completed. I had a friend request it at the beginning of summer. Then  he got sick, so I figured the hat would make him feel a little better while he's visiting doctors. This was my first venture into color work and a great introduction to what I might encounter #1 on the list.
I know I have my work cut out for me, but I think I can get through my list. The original point of the queue was to challenge my inability to finish projects in a timely manner. Now that I've made to that met that challenge, why not challenge myself with new techniques and more open ended project that require a design element from me?

What projects do you hope to get done? Are you wanting to master a new technique, or do you want to finally get around to making something that ties your winning outfit together?

Happy yarning!

1 comment:

  1. Great first blog! May you have many many more in the days and weeks to come. When you get comfortable with the mangyle vest, whether it is knitted or crocheted, I might be interested in commissioning one from you. I like the vertical design to it--just not those colors. Fred
