Thursday, June 9, 2011

Maria Conchita has been restored to her former glory

I am proud to announce that Maria Conchita is full functional thanks to the helping hands at Apple. :]
After a couple of weeks of traveling (heading to Vegas on Sunday, back to Texas the week of the 20th) regular updates shall come. Promise.
Craft updates:

So as you know Tuscaloosa was ravaged by a tornado in late April and a group started up to provide blankets for little ones who survived the storm. I've managed to donate 4 blankets. 3 were w.i.p.s that were intended for friends that I never managed to finish. And one was made with yarn donated to the cause. I have 2 more on deck.

I realize I've completely deviated from my original craft goals. I'm flexible, it's what I do.

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