Wednesday, March 16, 2011

broken computer. bears. needles. goals.

Spring Break, YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Broken computer, BOOOO!!!!!!
I'm hijacking my mom's computer for the rest of the week, but when I'm not on the Facebook I'm keeping my hands busy.

Introducing Graham
Graham was completed last week. He is going to be my first contribution to the Mother Bear Project.  Mother Bear sends crocheted and knitted teddy bears to kids affected by HIV/AIDS in developing countries. This is the second item I've made for a charity in my life (The first was a blanket I made for Project Linus way back in the 6th grade.). I started working on a girlfriend for Graham Sunday, I'm close to halfway done.
Mother Bear link

I've also found a charity that hits close to home: Blankets for Deployed Daddies.I'm a little iffy about it cause I'm not sure if it's still active or not. But it's such a cool idea. They collect blanket and send them to expectant father who are deployed. The dad sleeps with the blanket for a few weeks so it can absorb his scent. Then the blanket is sent back to the new arrival. Newborns can recognize their parents by their scent.They know their mom's scent from the amniotic fluid, but they have to actually learn their dad's scent.
They have an easy knit pattern that I tried out and after 6 or 7 tries I got it. I can't wait to get started on my first real blanket.
Blankets for Deployed Daddies
I also found CareWear. They provide a list of hospitals looking for crafted goods like blankets, toys and hats. They also have patterns  that I can't wait to try.

I have a foot locker overflowing with yarn under my bed. I'm hoping to downsize my stash with the help of all these charity projects. I'm hoping to make 6 bears and 3 blankets by the end of summer.
I also want to venture into making clothing. I hope to knit, crochet and sew skirts by the end of summer. Wish me luck <3

1 comment:

  1. That's a worthy goal Karla! I love your bear creation. It's sooo cute!
