Sunday, March 31, 2013

My name is Karla and blogging is not my forte.

Looking at the archives you can see I've been trying this blog thing since 2011.
Two years later, all I have to show for it is a handful of posts and an accurate example of my lack of commitment.

Maybe this blog is an extension of the half-done project box. You know, the projects you get super excited about, buy enough yarn to finish it, make sure you have all the necessary notions in stock to make sure nothing is delayed. And you start with this unstoppable momentum, picturing how great the finished project is going to look on you or how much your friend will love you for making a coat that looks like their kid's favorite Yo Gabba Gabba character. Nothing's going to get in your way.

Then it just stops. The same project that called, "Make me. Make me," a few weeks ago is now begging to be put down. It doesn't tell you why. Maybe it needs some space or things were moving to fast. Maybe it's you. Maybe you've gotten bored with the pattern repeats and a new sexier pattern has caught your attention. Maybe you're just not ready to make this kind of commitment, but you had to dive in before you knew how you really felt. 

Some of these stories have a happy ending. Sometimes after a small break, you reconnect with your work in progress and remember all the things you loved about each other. Once you finish off the last stitch and admire your new completed piece, you remember all the excuses made that delayed this gratification. In few cases they are legitimate reasons to press pause. In most others, you look back and ask, "Why didn't I just man up and finish this?"

Other projects might not have the same luck. In this break time you probably learn about for your disdain for short rows and swear off any projects that us them extensively. But good yarn should never go to waste and re-appropriate that yarn for some other project you can love the way a good project should be loved.
Not following through doesn't make you a terrible person. In fact, you should pat yourself on the back for making yourself try.

My name is Karla and blogging is not my forte along with certain craft patterns. But I do enjoy blogging when I'm doing it. Hopefully one day McCording to Karla will be a household name in the craft blogosphere. Until then, I'll keep trying until it grows on me.