Saturday, September 10, 2011

I had a dream about a blanket.

I had a dream about a blanket and I couldn't stop thinking about it. So I bought some yarn and started working on it.

It's a baby blanket. An Auburn baby blanket to be specific. With nine squares and "war eagle" on it. Originally I wanted to have orange, blue and white squares. But my newfound obssession with quilts hs me thinking I can go with a nine patch pattern and then dedicate one color to the lettering. We'll see, we'll see.

Why an Auburn blanket? A) Not too big on the football thing. B) I 'd like to work with a square. "war eagle" fits in a 3x3 with a square to spare for a tiger or somethng. (I want to make a Bama one, but "roll tide roll" would require a 3x4 and that is not a square. Also it came in a later dream, so it'll be realized later.)

I'm am going to try my damndest to work this as fast a possible. I'm also going to try something new and rcord the time I spend working on the blanket. This way I can get an accurate measure of how fast I work.

And that's what's new in the world of Karla. Keep on the look out for updates and crude sketches.

Work log:
So I'm recording how long I work on this project. There will be a lot of short time increments because I like to get distracted. I mark an end time if i anticipate my "break" to be longer than 15 minutes. I will also be marking when I begin and end a square cause I want to.
9/6: (sq #1) 0130-0200; 0234-0248; 0303-0307; 0316-0402; 1450-1515=1h. 59 mins.

9/10: (sq #2) 1030-1208= 1h. 38 mins.

9/11: 0032-0049= 17mins.